Stories from Survivors
" He shot the little window in the door and then went into the other classroom, there's a door between our classrooms and he came in through the door, told my teacher "good night" and shot her in the head and then he shot my classmates"
'I put one of my students on top of the toilet. I was telling them, 'it's going to be OK, you're going to be alright.'
'I told them to be absolutely quiet because I was just so afraid if he did come in he would hear us and start shooting the door.
'I said there are bad guys out there now. We need to wait for the good guys.'
'The kids were being so good. They asked, "Can we go see if anyone is out there? I just want Christmas, I don't want to die, I just want to have Christmas.”
'I said, “You're going to have Christmas and Hanukkah.” I tried to be positive. If they started crying I would take their face and say it's going to be OK.
"There was two doors that was like across the classroom that connected to another classroom, I just remember being so afraid of that other door that maybe he would like come in through that other classroom door and go into our room"
~ Ashley
"I left my daughter at that school, and that decision will haunt me for the rest of my life."
~Felix & Kimberly Rubio

~Kaitlin Roig
Former teacher & survivor
of Sandy Hook
" He just walked in the room and just said you're all going to die and he just started shooting everybody. I played dead so he wouldn't shoot me"
~Samuel Salinas
9 year old survivor of Uvalde